Velvet Deer Antler Extracts
Deer Antler Velvet Demand On The Rise
People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.
People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.
Hot flashes, insomnia, headaches, joint pains, night sweats, palpitations, vaginal changes, urinary changes, changes in sex drive, skin changes, and mood swings; these are early signs of menopause. It occurs when your ovaries stopped producing progesterone and estrogen.
Menopause starts as early as age 35-40 or as late as age 50-55. In some cases, however, some women experience abrupt menopause when they have their ovaries removed. During this stage, your ovary will stop functioning, which means that it will no longer release eggs and will begin to stop producing progesterone and estrogen, leading to low estrogen level. This causes the common signs of menopause and some other health risks in the long term.
Menopause, particularly having low estrogen level, has a great impact on your health. It increases your chance of developing osteoporosis and fragile bones. You’re also most likely to develop coronary heart disease and suffer from heart attack and stroke. Aside from these diseases, loss of estrogen leads to some other women health problems such as the following:
Although menopause is a part of a woman’s life, it may still bring a lot of discomfort for most women. For this reason, it’ll greatly help if you’re aware of what you can do before it can cause any problem. The following are some of the most important steps that you can take after menopause:
Menopause may affect your life in various ways. That’s why it’s very important to take extra care of your health during this stage. This way, you’ll be able to avoid health risks and other health dangers associated with it.
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