Velvet Deer Antler Extracts
Deer Antler Velvet Demand On The Rise
People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.
People use deer velvet as medicine for a wide range of health problems.
Human body is made up of cells. At a microscopic level, you will see trillions of cells divided into about 200 different types. Cells are our basic unit of life; all our body processes, from absorption of food to excreting our body’s waste products, occur through cells.
All the cells in your body, those trillions of cells, work together as a community. However, when one cell acquires gene mutation, multiplying it when it shouldn’t, it becomes abnormal causing uncontrolled growth.
A healthy functional cell does not immediately turn into cancer cell just because of one cell acquiring gene mutation. The abnormal cell will first start to grow uncontrollably and multiply; this cell will not die, instead, they grow into other tissues.
The difference between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells has lost its vital control systems so instead of repairing itself or dying when damaged (just like what the normal cell does), cancer cells make new cells that the body don’t actually need.
Cancer is a complex group of more than 100 diseases with many different possible causes. Although there are many different types of cancer, causes may be due to a lot of factors including the following:
Cancer cells often begin to grow and form new cancer cells to other parts of the body. The process of spreading the cancer cell is called “metastasis”. There are three main ways on how cancer cells are spread. These are:
In early stages of some cancer, regular screening can already detect if there are abnormal cells growing and forming in some parts of a person’s body so it becomes a lot easier to treat and cure. These regular cancer screening includes mammograms that detects breast cancer, and smear test for cervical cancer. Other methods used to detect cancer are:
A type of cancer is named for the place it started no matter where it spread. So a breast cancer will still be called a breast cancer even if the cancer cells have already spread to the liver. Each types of cancer behave very differently and each type grows at a different rate as well. For this reason, cancers are treated depending on its kind as they respond differently to every different treatments.
Because there are different types of cancer, treatment for each type is also different. Once a cancer is detected, the doctor will provide you the best treatment for your specific situation, taking account the stage and type of cancer, where it’s located, where it has spread, as well as your general health.
Men or women, adult or children may have the possibility of developing cancer. It’s one of the leading causes of death in the world no matter how young or old a person is.That is why early cancer detection and cancer awareness is very important especially if you have risk of acquiring it (i.e genes, lifestyle, etc). It is therefore recommended to go see a doctor regularly even without experiencing any signs and symptoms. Remember that the best weapon for this problem is to find it out earlier.
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